
Woman Discovers Rare Crystal That Looks Like A Giant Fried Chicken Tender

We’ve written a few really cool articles in the past about rare crystals and gemstones. But nothing quite like this crystal discovered by Amelia Rude that looks like a delicious piece of fried chicken.

Rude runs a gemstone jewelry business called Unbeadable Energies, which has a vast collection of over 700 crystals. When she decided to post her discovery on Reddit’s @forbiddensnacks it was swiftly identified as Red Calcite and went viral on Twitter.

According to Feel Crystals, “Red Calcite is a vital stone that increases energy and willingness to experience life. It is grounding and protects energetic and emotional boundaries, alleviating ‘spaciness’ and overextension of one’s energy.”

Red Calcite

You can check out more of Rude’s amazing crystal collection over on her Instagram page and website! Make sure to give this a share on Facebook before you go.

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