
Guy Builds Giants From Wood And Hides Them In The Wilderness For People To Find

Danish artist Thomas Dambo creates larger-than-life sculptures hidden around his hometown of Copenhagen.

His sculptures require secret poems and clues in order to locate them. He says each has its own treasure map or poem engraved into stone to steer people onto unfamiliar paths where they’ll discover them.

Each is made of recycled wood consisting of roughly 600 pieces taken from pallets, fences, and even an old wooden shed. With the help of local volunteers, Dambo was able to complete his series of giant wooden sculptures.

Little Tilde

Thomas On The Mountain

Oscar Under The Bridge

Hilltop Trine

Sleeping Louis

Teddy Friendly

Each sculpture has a poem that gives hints to find the next one

The success and popularity of Dambo’s projects have allowed him to expand his exhibits in Korea, Kentucky, Belgium, and Chicago. You can also find his giants hidden in countries all over the world!

Mamma Wok – Pyeonggang, South Korea

Speaking about his Troll Hunt in Chicago, “My exhibition Troll Hunt at Morton Arboretum, is part of my ongoing project “The great story of the little people and the giant trolls”. The six giant trolls are made solely from recycled wood, and also consists of a troll habitat, hidden inside the forest.”

Troll Hunt

The Six Forgotten Giants

You can check out more info about his amazing work Dambo over on his website. If you liked this article make sure you check out this massive Van Gogh painting recreated by a guy using plants in a 1.2 acre field!

Credit: artist Thomas Dambo

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