Over 100 Years Ago, Artists Were Asked to Depict the Year 2000, These Were The Results

Here’s something I think you’ll find quite interesting. These crazy images were created by French artist Jean-Marc Cote, and a few others back in 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1910. There are at least 87 known cards and they only came to light decades later when science-fiction author Isaac Asimov chanced upon them in 1986, publishing the works with commentary in a book entitled, Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000. According to Collective-Evolution, these artworks were originally in the form of postcards or paper cards enclosed in cigarette and cigar boxes. The images depict the world as it … Continue reading Over 100 Years Ago, Artists Were Asked to Depict the Year 2000, These Were The Results